Now for something completely different...
Life’s been crazy lately, right? 2023 didn't start with a whimper but a BANG! Last Fall was crazy busy too but then things ramped up to 11 beginning in February. Now we're off to take a much-needed vacation and some time off to recharge our batteries before the late Spring rush begins.
So while I"m offline for a little while, let’s take a little break from life’s daily worries and enjoy some feel-good, heart-warming stories about some amazing animal and human heroes who made the world a whole lot better for not just one another but us too.

What are the chances? Dog DNA test reveals these adopted dogs are mother and daughter
While I have done one doggy DNA test on Winston, I was pleasantly surprised to find out how accurate it was.
I heard about this story not too long ago. Rachel Karten adopted two dogs that turned out to be a mother-and-daughter pair. It was so heartwarming to know that animal families can be reunited through the adoption process. Shelters are full to the brim with amazing dogs and most have incredible backstories too.
Rescue mom goes above and beyond to make sure her pup eats
Rescue dogs can suffer challenges like separation anxiety, resource guarding, anxiety, and destructive behavior. Stingray is a rescue who is deaf and suffers from food insecurity. His mom helped him eat by mimicking eating dog food in an exaggerated way so that he felt more comfortable. Talk about building trust with your beloved pet!
While what this mom did for Stingray seems to have helped, it’s important to never do this with a dog you don’t know or if the dog has any food or resource-guarding behavior.

A driver stops to rescue a pregnant stray dog
Seeing strays is a pretty common occurrence in Houston. I'm constantly stopping and trying to catch dogs or checking empty boxes on the side of the road. Erica Wilson pulled over on the highway when she saw a dog running back and forth. She quickly realized the dog was pregnant and brought her to a safe place—her home. The dog, named Winnie, safely birthed her puppies two weeks later. Not only is Winnie and her puppies safe, they are all part of a rescue group who will make sure they get the loving homes they deserve.
This pet groomer risks climbing through a drain pipe to save a cat
Flaik the cat was stuck in a storm drain pipe for six days before animal lover and groomer Haley Dube jumped right in to rescue him! That sounds like something I would do...😉
I once stopped traffic at a busy intersection while trying to catch four puppies. With the help of two other motorists, I managed to catch them all and took them home. With the help of two SPCA fosters, I was able to get them all adopted (of course, we kept one and named him JackJack.)

One of our many hiking selfies with our dogs
Just a girl and her canine cruising around the world
Moxie, the globe-trotting German Shepard, spends her days face in the wind on the back of her mom’s motorcycle. She and her mom, Jess Stone, are working their way through a 90-country route that will take them on five continents: North America, South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia.
My husband and I own an RV and so many of our vacations are to visit state and national parks. And no surprise to anyone, we bring all four dogs with us everywhere we go! We find that seeing (and smelling) new places is just as rewarding and relaxing to them as it is to us!