Love What You Do
It is my firm belief that every dog deserves a loving home. Throughout my career, it has always been extremely important for me to make time and give back to local organizations that are making a true difference in Houston's stray dog population.
I am an active volunteer with H.O.P.E. and the Houston SPCA providing photography of adoptable dogs and cats. I've also worked with Spring Branch Rescue and The Forgotten Pets Advocates. I am also proud to be an Artist Member of Heartspeak, a worldwide organization dedicated to uniting artists with shelters and rescue organizations.
HeARTs Speak
HeARTs Speak is a 501c3 international nonprofit organization that unites art and advocacy to increase the visibility of shelter animals.
Artists Helping Animals is a community-building program, uniting more than 600 creative professionals across the globe who provide pro-bono services to save and support animals. Together, they’re contributing more than 15,000 hours of service monthly to animal welfare organizations.
Gifts That Animal Shelters Really Love
From essential supplies to heartwarming gestures, download your copy today and spread some much-needed love and support to our furry friends awaiting their forever homes. Let's make tails wag and hearts soar together!