Being owned by a dachshund has become a staple in our lives. I didn't start out being a dachshund fanatic, however. Growing up on a working cattle ranch in South Texas, my dogs as a kid were of the Heinz 57 variety. Everything changed when my college roommate's dachshund had an accidental litter and she gifted one of the pups to me. I named him Duke (but called him Dukie) and he was my constant companion for 16 years. Over the years since, we have rescued several more doxies and always have at least one in the house at all times. along with other dogs.
At home or while traveling, I'm always photographing my own dogs to try out new techniques or locations that I want to offer my clients. Typical of most photographers' dogs, my current dachshund, Toby, is not a fan of the camera. I can almost "hear' him inwardly groan when I pull out my Nikon, treats, and noises rarely work on him now because he's heard them all. I do have a handful of images of him, which you've probably seen on my social media accounts. But, alas the majority of my photos of Toby are like this:
Never looks at me when I have my camera out.
A few weeks ago, as I was working on my 2021 End of Year Review and looking through the over 12,000 photos I took last year, I was thinking how great it would be to increase the breed diversity of my portfolio. I love photographing dogs and really want to showcase the wonderful variety of shapes, colors, coats, and personalities that dogs have — not to mention how much fun that would be for me!
SO, how do I accomplish this? A Breed of the Month contest! Throughout 2022, I'll be putting out a call for entries to win a photo session with me and a product voucher to purchase prints and products!
Because my portfolio is shockingly low on dachshunds (ahem), I've chosen them as my first contest of 2022! So, let's see your doxies!
- Contest is open now until January 30.
- Enter your doxie here.
- Winners will be chosen throughout the month.
- The prize is a photo session with me and a $150 credit voucher to purchase prints or products from our photo session together.
- BONUS POINTS: Bonus points are given if you share my IG post in your stories and comment on my contest FB post with a photo of your dog!